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Adamo Ruggiero, who, as Marco on Degrassi: The Next Generation, is that show biz rarity—an openly gay actor who plays a gay character on a hit television series. Ruggiero also stars as Nathan in Make the Yuletide Gay, which will screen twice during Outfest (see outfest.org for details). The heartthrob opens up about his film, the importance of coming out and being a role model.

Location: Toronto
Age: 23
Single or taken: Single

When did you get the acting bug?

I started when I was a small kid. I did a lot of community theater. I was always really artistic and was a huge Disney movie fan. There was a lot of singing and dancing around and I just sort of fell into it naturally.

How did you become involved in Degrassi: The Next Generation?

When I was about 13 I was tormenting my mother to get me an agent and the poor woman didn’t have a clue about any of this stuff. I got with a small agency and got an audition for the show. It was really a fluke as I didn’t know anything about the industry at all. I auditioned for it once and didn’t get it but they were keeping a gay character in mind and called me back for that audition and it kind of just happened. It was a lovely surprise early in my life.

Did you have any reservations about playing a gay teenager before you came out as gay yourself?

I spoke to a few friends and knew that this was something I was dealing with. When I walked into that audition room I wasn’t sure that the character would be gay until I read the script and saw where it was going. At that point I didn’t quite grasp the magnitude of the character. I was just thinking, “It’s my first show!” When you’re a kid, you’re just thinking about all the exciting things about it. My relationship with playing a gay character was a huge process of over seven or eight years. I accepted myself and put it in to Marco and used him as a way to connect with other young people.

What kind of fan mail did you get from other gay teens?

I got a lot from young gay kids saying they were watching the show. They felt like they had a friend in this completely alone universe they were living in. A lot of them would say they were gay and didn’t know how to come out to their parents, or that they’re gay and would watch Degrassi when their parents weren’t around and Marco was the only gay person they knew. Some kids would say horrible things like they’d been abused or the victims of gay bashing and would ask for my advice. When I was still growing up and insecure about who I was, getting those letters was overwhelming.

How did coming out affect your career?

When I made the conscious decision there was a huge Degrassi screening in New York and we went out to meet fans and my eyes made contact with a kid who just mouthed “thank you” to me and then he was lost in the crowd. I thought, “This was more than a coincidence to me. This is who I am. With these letters and the kids I’m meeting, this is something I have to do.” Most people around me were like “do it” and some people were asking how it would affect my career. But I just didn’t give a sh-t. I thought I might never have this voice again. I may not even be cast and be a successful actor so I can’t let this moment slide when it’s most important. Since then my career has been better than ever. I’ve made a movie, I got a kid’s show and I did my first play. I’ve had the best year since declaring my gayness.

Since you've become a role model, do you feel a responsibility to develop projects that honestly depict gay characters?

Definitely. When I read [Make the Yuletide Gay] I completely loved it. It wasn’t just an honest depiction of kids coming out and the pressures they feel, but with a time like this with Prop. 8 and a kid coming out who’s met with a positive reception, I felt it was something we needed to see more of. I was so happy to do this film. I have such huge ambitions. I’ve spoken with the producers of Degrassi and told them “I want Marco to do this...” A lot of people have asked if I’m afraid of being typecast, but I really want the gay roles right now. I want to ride this wave and play a bunch of different characters that are going through different things. It’s more important than people think.

Describe Make the Yuletide Gay.

It’s a sweet, sincere coming-of-age film. It’s really funny and really clever. I think the film represents the positive aspects of coming out. With Prop. 8 and everything that’s happening, we sometimes forget that there are people around the corner with open arms ready to accept, love and learn. I think it’s great for parents to see for the pressures that their kids are going through. There’s a real hopeful message in the film.

Ecrit par brucas59 



Ecrit par brucas59 
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